Trick to know who has read your Whatsapp message

Trick to know who has read your Whatsapp message Posted By N.Pavankumar cantact:: 7396080902
Trick to know who has read your                   Whatsapp message
Hello guys, today I’m gonna share a cool trick to know who has seen / read your Whatsapp messages.
Whatsapp is getting popular day by day because of its features and simplicity. Recently they have made many important changes in their latest version. This trick will only work in updated version.

So you can now get information about how many people in group read your messages.

·                     Firstly update your Whatsapp to latest version from Google play store.
·                     Now send message in your group.
·                     Click and hold on that text and you can see i button at the top of window.

·                     Hit that button and you will get complete list of people who reached your text.